
AT Insights

We are Agile Thought

We have a lot to say! Whether it's artificial intelligence, cloud computing, or any other emerging technology and discipline, AgileThought has the thought leadership and insights to provide perspective.


We aim to create helpful and engaging content that is both accessible and informative for everyone. Here you will find material that is enjoyable as well as educational.


Whether you're an experienced professional or just beginning your journey with technology, don't miss out on the chance to hear from industry professionals about all things tech-related.


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Defect Management

4 Ways to Handle Defect Management During the Sprint

Running a successful sprint requires mastering the challenges of defect management.


My First 90 Days as CEO of AgileThought

And what a journey it’s been.

My first 90 days have included a whirlwind of trips to different locations to meet with our customers, employees, partners, and analysts. It’s been a journey of learning, relationship building, team formation, and strategy creation.