Going to the hospital is rarely an experience you look forward to. The experience is often overwhelming and anxiety inducing. The work we’re doing with one of the world’s largest healthcare payors is tackling this head on and creating a more patient-friendly, efficient, and human experience.


+ 18 Years


Data & AI


Front & Backend Engineering





Helping You Take the Initiative

When hospitals and healthcare systems are overrun, patients are have taken an interest in analyzing their own health information through connected fitness devices and mobile apps. This proactive and accountable approach to health creates an environment where our medical facilities become the second line of defense and patients become their own first line of defense. Patients can analyze their daily activities through mobile apps and coupled by AI, identify patterns that have contributed to their ailments and take the appropriate action.

Forget the Wait

Scheduling and Labs. How many times have you coordinated between your doctor and the labs? Now that is a thing of the past.

Labs associated with the visit to the provider gives members access to all necessary information in a centralized app. Any changes to appointment scheduling or labs can be automated and notifications regarding changes and results are instantly receive within the app.

Health At Home

Your health shouldn’t take a back seat to your schedule, but that’s a common issue in healthcare. With telemedicine, more people are able to get treated, getting them the service they need, when they need it.

Through the work we’ve done with the Payor’s mobile app, we’re putting patients with specialists in minutes to discuss their symptoms. In less than two hours a prescription is ready to go at their local pharmacy.


Active AgileThinkers


in Productivity Saved

Helping More Than Just Patients

The world of healthcare involves so much more than just the individuals receiving care. The providers play a huge role in the industry, but often are constrained by overwrought process and caught in a struggle between seeing all their patients in a given day, and ensuring that the quality of care is met.

Using data & AI, we’ve helped this Payor to analyze their EPIC system to assess patient symptoms and treatment proactively, identifying potential issues before any human is required to interact with a patient, reducing the amount of time a provider needs to spend with that patient without impacting the quality of their care.

Through our partnership, we have implemented innovative solutions that have positively impacted the health and well-being of individuals. Over the course of our 18+ year relationship with this Payor, we’ve not just helped them improve their process and costs, but we’re helping them to improve people’s lives.

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