Discovering the power of AI

It was the year 1998, and I was a pre-teen with an already developed liking for video games. In fact, that liking had developed quite early in my life. I got my hands on what initially seemed like an ordinary stealth FPS game with great graphics and dark environments. What I discovered there was something much more complex and interesting, which has stuck in my mind to this date. The game in question was 'Thief: The Dark Project,' where you played Garrett, an expert thief in a dark city.

One of the most interesting things that caught my attention was how challenging the game as, at least for me. At the time, I thought it was only a difficult game, but I ended up discovering that it was a complex AI system that still holds up to this date. Until then, most enemies in the game had scripted behavior or paths which they followed, but not here. Guards didn’t merely follow scripted routines; they reacted to the environment, heard your footsteps, and adapted their search patterns based on that information. It was a revelation for me when I understood what was happening, and in the industry, it resonated as a standard for AI.

The Pinnacle of Behavioral AI

Many years later, now an adult who could afford his own games, I witnessed the release of a game for one of my favorite franchises. In 2014, 'Alien: Isolation' emerged onto the gaming scene. My love for the Alien universe clashed with my fear of horror games, but armed with my expertise, I believed I knew exactly how to survive a Xenomorph. How wrong I was—I was not prepared for what I found.

The same sensation I had with 'Thief' I was experiencing all over again. The game wasn't just hard; it was a survival horror masterpiece. The alien wasn’t just a scripted adversary; it was an intelligent, learning predator, thanks to two AIs working together.

First, there was the Director AI, orchestrating the overarching experience by always knowing your location and giving hints to the Xenomorph about where you had been. It may seem unfair, but who said fighting an alien would be fair? This Director AI simulated the instincts that an advanced predator could have, and it was spot on.

On the flip side, the Alien AI is where everything came together to create a terrifying experience. It wasn’t scripted; it didn’t follow predetermined paths. It learned from your actions, adapted to your strategies, and made every encounter a tense, unpredictable dance of survival. I believed Xenomorphs could be defeated with fire, so as soon as I acquired my incinerator, I felt safe making the alien run for safety—I was now the hunter. Once again, I was wrong. The AI was so well-developed that after several encounters, the alien lost its fear of fire. Disregarding its own life, it ignored my flames and came at me with all its fury. That's when I realized I was far from ready for the experience.

Looking Ahead: A New Frontier for AI in Gaming

As we stand on the edge of a new era in gaming, the role of AI is expanding even further. Procedural generation, once a niche concept, is evolving into a powerhouse full of possibilities. AI algorithms are assisting designers and developers in exploring new ideas, freeing them from the constraints of static, handcrafted levels. This allows games to offer greater replayability, enticing players to stay engaged and experience all the game has to offer for longer periods.

Much like “Thief” or “Alien” did in their time, I anticipate the next revolution in AI in games will come from a title that effectively leverages adaptive experiences in the best way. With the rapid advances in AI, we are not far from a game that tailors itself to your unique playstyle. It might analyze your strengths to present you with a challenge based on your decisions. In a horror game, we could see an AI that gauges when you doubt, when you escape from something, and presents you with those moments to exploit your fears. The games would evolve in response, ensuring that each playthrough is not just a sequence of events but a personalized journey.

A Symphony of Possibilities

The journey from the groundbreaking AI of 'Thief' to the behavioral marvel of 'Alien: Isolation' showcases the industry’s relentless pursuit of richer experiences. As we anticipate the future, the role of AI evolves from scripted responses to a symphony of possibilities. Here at AgileThought, we actively explore new horizons for our clients. Our Gaming and Applied AI guilds work closely together to provide insights into new and engaging possibilities.

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