Mobile Application Maintenance

Mobile App Development


Operating Systems

Native mobile and mobile-enabled applications for interacting with your customers and employees are standard operating procedure for today’s businesses.  Apple and Google’s app stores have swelled over the years with apps, and now around 5,000,000 apps are available for the two major platforms!  Needless to say, there has been a tremendous amount of investment in mobile app development over the past 10 years.

If you are responsible for your company’s mobile apps, you know that businesses invest real money to design, build, and deploy mobile apps.  Unfortunately, many businesses also see the big upfront investment not realized over time as usage slips and customers and employees become disinterested in these apps.  Let’s take a look at the top reasons why this happens…

#1:  Your user experience is out of date

How long ago did you design the user interface of your app?  User interface (UI) trends certainly migrate and evolve, and your app may be the victim of an outdated UI.  The visual standards for both Apple and Android have changed over the years, and app users become disengaged with apps that look out of date.

#2: You aren’t using new technology

Newly released mobile apps have the opportunity to integrate new technologies available on the latest operating systems and integrate with new devices such as the Apple Watch.  If your app isn’t leveraging new technologies to benefit your users, you could be losing them to your competition who offers a more integrated and complete experience.

#3: You aren’t evolving features

When was the last time you updated your mobile apps?  Mobile app users generally expect updates no more infrequently than monthly, and there is a strong correlation between high ratings in an app store and the frequency of updates.  If it has been several months, or even over a year since you have updated your app, you may be seeing a drop-off in usage.

#4: Your app isn’t compatible with the latest operating system

Both Apple and Google release major updates typically between a year and 18 months, and often there are “breaking” changes meaning your mobile app that works today will not work with the latest update.  If you aren’t planning for these updates to happen, you will see a very rapid decline in your user base as your app simply stops working on their devices.

#5: You aren’t looking at app metrics to make decisions

How users are interacting with your apps can tell you a tremendous amount about where you should put your next investments.  If you aren’t looking at usage metrics, user behaviors, install and uninstall rates, and other critical bits of information, you are flying blind with how your apps are really performing with your customers and employees.

These are just some of the reasons that businesses lose mobile app customers and do not see returns from their investments in mobile app experiences.   The bottom line is that to keep mobile app customers, you must keep looking for ways to enhance their experience!  To solve this challenge, AgileThought provides MobileAppCare™.  Click here to learn how to keep your mobile app fresh and your customers and employees engaged and continually delighted!

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